My friend was sexually abused today by her ex boyfriend. She fell asleep on his bed, because they were hanging out and she took allergy meds that made her drowsy, and she expected to be respected but he still likes her and she woke up to him groping her and pinned her arms down and put his lips on hers. I'm like, fuck, I didn't expect this to ever happen, it's bad enough for this shit to have happened to me but this is something Iaybe could have prevented and now it's too late! Not to mention that her stepdad is moved back in with her, since he was admitted from jail, which he was in for trying to strangle her mom.
And my best guy friend's mom keeps trying to kill herself and he has to talk her out of it. He's totally freaked out. His mom disowned his two half sisters today for no discernible reason and he's so scared.
And I think my best friend's little sister is bulimic. She goes to the bathroom with a weird excuse after every time she has eaten something. And she looks thinner... She was fat before... Ugh.
Not to mention that my boyfriend is trying to discuss our plans for college and moving in together when we're in the middle of 11th grade. Not that I mind, but it's so stressful because he's looking at it so realistically. And he wants to move to Pittsburg. Which is a 7 hour drive from where we live now!
Why has the world gone to shit today?
I'm sorry darling... I'm right there with you when it comes to having a friend who's mom is suicidal. She is so crazy and on all these medications she doesn't remember chunks of her days sometimes. I hope the rest of your week brightens.