Dear reader,
I don't know who you are, but I love you for reading this message.
Hush, don't speak; words cannot describe my love!
Buuuut for reals. Hi! Omg :D I haven't used my Blogger in forever :b
Well obviously it hasn't REALLY been "forever." I haven't even existed that long, psycho. (And so what if I've been reading too much of Babe Walker's blog? Too much isn't enough!)
Okay. So anyway. Hmmm. Update? Yes.
Me and The Boy hit our 2 year anniversary on March 9th <3 It was lovely. I wore a new skirt from American Eagle, my sexy (in my asexual opinion) Ralph Lauren boots (I love wearing men's shoes, not gonna lie) with teal tights, and my favorite scoopnecked, slim-cut 3/4 sleeve top from H&M.
I've been a fattie and barely able to keep my BMI just under 20, but it's okay.
My mother is the most technologically disabled person I know, but I love her to death anyway. But she seriously does need to get her shit together. Who's she gonna ask to help her when I'm off at some college and busy being an engaged art student that can barely afford a meal a day even though I'll be working at some awful disgusting fast food restaurant? (Hey, it's not glamourous, but I'll be living with the love of my life and we'll be happy so I don't give a flying fuck.)
I've set my alarm to 5:07 am to do yoga/ running every morning. Yay me! I can't wait to actually start doing it though. Gotta go set up the damn broken treadmill. Barf.
Oh, and that girl who I mentioned months ago, who's the same height as me but like 20 lbs lighter? Yea, she IS crushing on my bf, she apparently calls him a "stud muffin" (but never to his or my face, only to everyone else, who proceed to tell us. It kills me, honestly, it's just so funny, because he hates her because she's a total hoebag.) She has apparently said that if I was ever out of the picture, she'd "have no problem going after him, and pleasing him in more ways than she [me!!] ever could." When one of our friends told him that she said that, his face was so disgusted and horrified and he went "eeewww!" then proceeded to cover his face with his hands out of embarrassment. I now tease him and call him a studmuffin and he gets really uncomfortable and shrieks :-D I just thought that it was pretty hilarious.
I'm pretty happy! My lowest grade is a B+, and I'm taking a weekly cake decorating class at Joanne Fabrics, I am happily medicated on Stratera for my ADHD, and bitches are being bitches in people's lives that are not mine. I don't even care that that sentence doesn't make real sense, fukkit.
How has everyone been?
Xxxxx- Bottomfeeder
hey bottomfeeder! missed you! stay blogging. that awesome that your gonna start doing yoga/running every morning. and that you still got ur boy. keep up the good work hun.