Friday, September 30, 2011


And a PS to my last post: I'm officially going back to my days of drinking only black coffee in the morning. I obviously can't handle eating a goddamned apple. So, coffee for breakfast, and bring a dollar at lunch for a re-fill. Get home, drink green tea or more coffee. Eat most of whatever mom cooks, or else she gets upset and on my case. Then, turn on the exercise TV and work out for an hour or two. And drink some more coffee.


This makes me miserable because I'm empty... But I only feel pretty when I'm empty...

Happiness with an undercurrent of feeling hideous, or tiredness while feeling hot. Hm. I chose option 2. Cause I'm an idiot like that.


  1. im pretty sure we all feel that way (: it sounds like a good plan though, as long as your mom doesn't cook really fattening stuff. I usually have half an apple for lunch, half for breakfast. Sometimes, i feel like it makes me hungrier though :/ I'd much rather feel pretty than happy. Ill never be happy until im pretty. so everything works out then! haha well, good luck with your plan! <3

  2. Lol, my mom is a health freak. I'm really glad she is though... It makes me feel more comfortable eating her food. And my dad's even more earth conscious... Needles to say, we rarely have anything fattening in our house haha.

    I tend to have either half an apple or a whole apple for breakfast, and skip lunch completely. Then around 4 I have something- green beans or another apple or 100 calories of oatmeal. Then dinner at 6:30/7. And I try to walk as many miles a day as I have time for haha. Wow sorry for rambling :x

    Thanks lol good luck to you too. I hope we both find our happiness someday so we don't have to do this to ourselves.
