Saturday, December 17, 2011

Today is his birthday

Well, today is my boyfriend's birthday. He's away for the weekend, though, camping with the boyscouts. Uuuggh. But he turns 17 today so, wish him a happy birthday, people!! I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Or am I?

Lol sorry for the random. I'm really tired. Went to bed at like 4 am (I was baking some yummy dark chocolate chip cookies!) and my dad woke me up at 7:45 eew. It's about 8:10 now, and I'm probably going to go for a walk soon. I've recently been walking for at least an hour, just weakly up and down the streets around my house. I creeped out the one neighbour who saw me walk past their house like 20 times but oh well. I guess I should actually go somewhere so I don't have neighbors complaining to my parents cause I kinda don't want them to know. I can burn 500 calories per hour when I walk with a backpack on :)

Anyway. I've been doing pretty good food-wise. Idk if I've lost weight cause I didn't wanna weigh myself the last few days but I think I might look a bit slimmer? (I probably gained weight lol how awkward is that.) But I've been having less than 400 calories and then walking enough to burn an extra 600 (I walk for more than an hour <3 ) so yay~ TMI: I haven't pooped in three days though and uugggh I hate weighing myself if I haven't gone #2 because it adds fake weight to the scale so it could look like you've gained 1 lb when really you haven't! Bleh.

I'm going to go to the fabric store today and buy a pattern to make something cool for my boyfriend :) I'm excited to be sewing again :D

So anyway, you two deserve a response, Leigha and Emma :)

Emma: Thank you for always being there to comment on my posts <3 I feel so loved by you, you help me through the day sometimes when I see that I have one new comment from my lovely Emma :)

Leigha: <3 Hello! Eating healthy never ends well for anyone with an ED, as far as I know, so we aren't freaks at least, in that sense... And yeah, Anafly is SUCH a talented writer. You should totally follow her because her posts are really worthwhile. If you related to that one, you'll love her as much as I do :)

Well. I think I'm going to clean the dishes from the cookies from last night, then shower and go for a walk. And then go to the fabric store with my mom, if she's up for it... Idk, she got an infection in her tooth and her face has swollen up painfully so she might not want to go out today... I wouldn't be mad, I totally understand. I wouldn't honour with MY face swollen. She needs a root canal. Poor mommy <\3

I hope you all have a wonderful day today!


  1. Awhhh :( Poor your mom! that's terrible! :(
    And Happy Birthday to your boyfrienddd! :) what are you going to make him!?
    And yesss! thanks! I'm not following ;)

  2. Aww that's so cute, you make him things! My best friend is coming to visit again in a few weeks and I need to get him an alarm clock because he needs to start WAKING UP ALREADY. lol. And yeah, I know what you mean about the bathroom and not going and then weighing yourself. I think you should be fine though.
    And I DO love you sweetie ^_^ I'm here to listen when you need to rant, and comment when you need encouragement/advice/or opinions. We all are <3
    Stay strong <3
